This week our special guest had an emergency involving a cat and a skunk and a hose so we swerved off course and watched the bonkers 2015 classic bad movie Jupiter Ascending! Illegal telescopes! Channing Tatum the dogfaced bodyguard with wings! Marrying your mom as a casual plot point halfway through, that kinda thing.
This week we swing back to 1966 to catch the movie fox made to cash in on James Bond, Our Man Flint with special guest Alan Shane Lewis! We first go over a real life cold war spy who betrayed his homeland because of how nice he thought Ottawa was before going over the silly weird campy classic Our Man Flint!
This week we're headed back to 1987 to watch Predator because we felt like it! First we discuss the tale of a Hockey Player and a businessman... but not the same guy. Then we go over the bicep and foliage festival that is Predator. A Hearty "get to the choppa!" to you listeners!
This week is back to school times, so we figured why not invite a teacher and coincidentally Dave's lady friend Anne-Marie along to swing back to 1986 to catch Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School! We go over the baffling symptoms that come with Dangerfield infection, what Sam Kinison was, how this was a very odd away mission for Lieutenant Dax and flip out lids over the Vonnegut gag.