This week we underestimate the yield of our time machine's nuclear engine and blast into 1954 to look around and watch its highest grossing movie: Rear Window. We talk about supreme court decisions of some import, a giant explosion that sorta created Godzilla and then go over the suprisingly kick-ass Rear Window with creator/writer Diana McCallum.
This week we slap streamers on the time machine and pleasure cruise back to 2010 to look around and watch its highest grossing movie Toy Story 3 with 1st episode guest and comedian Bobby Knauff. We talk about oil spills, try to define the american tea party movement, fail, and then go over a movie that has a strawberry scented nihilist totalitarian bear in it.
This week Meg sits in the pilot sac and launches the time machine into 1980 to catch her favorite movie: Flash Gordon with comedian Blayne Smith. We go over the pedigree of John Carter thrice removed and recap an assemblage of mescaline hallucinations scored by Queen.
This week we elaborately dance about the time machine before getting in and slowly drag-racing our way back to 1978 to look around and watch the highest grossing movie: Grease with special guest Comedian/podcaster/nice person Jackie Kashian! We talk about a year that seems to have been mostly snowstorms, serial killers and an Australian Grocer prank then we go over a collection of the catchiest songs you've ever heard nestled within a surrealist high school nightmare. Oh and the dancing is awesome!
For the notes I read from with pictures hucked in check out our Tumblr at
This week we go galavanting in the time machine in search of Paul Newman movies and lasso the 1966 mystery Harper with Rob Mailloux